Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bookbinding for Beginners - 2

by Florence O. Bean - Assistant in Manual Arts - Boston Public Schools


The growing demand for various forms of manual training in the lower elementary grades has led to the publication of this little volume of "problems in elementary bookbinding,"based on the work done in the fifth grade of the Boston public schools, where their practicability has been fully demonstrated. Some of the most valuable suggestions have been obtained from the teachers and are an outgrowth of their class-room experience. Nothing is here presented which
is simply theoretical.

To Mr. John C. Brodhead, a deep appreciation of his keen criticism, his helpful suggestions, and his never-failing interest cannot be too strongly expressed. For their valued suggestions, thanks are due the teachers of Boston whose efficient labors have insured the success of the course. Acknowledgment is also made of indebtedness to the Sloyd Training School for material, and to Miss Helen E. Cleaves and Mr. Ludwig Frank for their interest and assistance in the details pertaining to design.


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